Zeppelin For Mac

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Brew install apache-zeppelin which will install the latest version of Apache zeppelin in your Mac. Note: If you want to install anything else like Apache Spark, Scala or Hadoop, you could do all that using Homebrew too.

Installing Zeppelin

Explicitly there are no dependencies specified in the brew formula, but it’s good to at least have Apache Spark installed to validate the install by using the Spark interpreter. And, to install, you might have guessed by now:

Configuring Zeppelin

Environment Variables

Edit zeppelin-env.sh

By default, only a template file is available, create a copy of the copy and rename the file to zeppelin-env.sh.

Add the following properties to the end of the file (or, you can find the commented one, uncomment and add the values).

Edit zeppelin-site.xml

Broadcom bcm94318mpg mini pci driver for mac windows 7. Again, create a copy of the default template provided.

Modify the following properties as per your preferences (you can leave them as is, if required):



Operating Zeppelin

Starting/Stopping Zeppelin

You can use the following commands:

Validating the Install

For validating the zeppelin install, I will just validate the spark interpreter for now. First login into zeppelin web UI using the following URL:

>Zeppelin UI

NOTE: Use the port you defined for zeppelin.server.port in zeppelin-site.xml


Following aliases have been created to make life easy

Enabling Authentication

First off, create a copy of the shiro.ini.template`shiro.ini.template` file and rename to shiro.ini.

Then, scroll down to the `[urls]` section and update it to the following:



Modify the following property in zeppelin-site.xml:



Restart zeppelin after making the above changes as follows:

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Following are the default users, that are available in shiro.ini:

The format is as follows:

Within the same file, you can play around with adding new users and modifying/adding the roles as well.

After restart, Zepplin will ask to login to access the notebooks. Use admin as the username and password1 as the password.

That’s all, Data Geeks! Hope my learnings have been helpful!

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