Photogrid For Mac
PhotoGrid introduces a totally new way of using your Instagram, wrapped in simple and easy to use design. Don't miss the chance to express yourself by adorning your profile page and posting breathtaking large scale images. You can make 5 type of grids: 3X5, 3X4, 3X3, 3X2 and 3X1 2. The app can be gotten at PicCollage's website to use on your Windows 10 or Mac computer at the official website. Photo Grid -.
● More than 300 million downloads worldwide and one of the most popular photo editing apps
● Millennial pop stars Chrissy Costanza and Dino Lee strongly recommend PhotoGrid.
A Community Featuring Stunning Photos
PhotoGrid displays the latest original photos from our community daily. Once you launch the app, you can start browsing popular photos featured on the main page, follow users you like, and make sure that you don’t miss any exciting content.
Customized Resizing Tool for Instagram
PhotoGrid comes with a 1:1 resizing tool for Instagram and a unique background blurring effect. Coupling with other built-in photo ratio sizes, PhotoGrid lets you share amazing photos with a tap.
Design Unique Photo Collages
PhotoGrid has more than 300 photo collage models that let users design photo display, background and borders freely. You can design a unique photo collage that’s one of its kind.
Hundreds of Stickers and Materials
PhotoGrid also comes with hundreds of cute stickers and specially designed themed stickers. It lets you add festive decoration to your photos for Halloween, Christmas or any other holidays.
Abundant Filters for Beautiful Photos
PhotoGrid has dozens of filters for different purposes, and it also has more advanced features that let users adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation of their photos. PhotoGrid makes photo editing much easier, and turn users into photo-editing masters in a snap.
Automatic Facial Beautification
PhotoGrid also has the intelligent facial recognition technology, and uses automatic dermabrasion, skin lightening, and pimple removal to help users look stunning and refreshed.
Convenient Text Editing
PhotoGrid possesses dozens built-in fonts that let users adjust text colors and backgrounds freely. You can set specific editing properties in your default setting, so PhotoGrid can speed up your photo editing process in the future.
Powerful Photo Editing Features
PhotoGrid has dozens of professional photo editing features such as the Twinkle feature, filmstrip, scrapbook, poster, and slide show. It lets you create any style of photo works you want with a tap.
Show Yourself to the World
PhotoGrid updates its leaderboard weekly, so your amazing photos will have the chance to be seen by millions of users worldwide. This is your chance to become an Internet sensation.
☆ CHARGE MASTER -Shows news headlines and app messages when charging phone
Contact Us
If you have any feedback or suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Official e-mail: [email protected]
Facebook page:
Photo Grid:Photo Collage Maker for PC-Windows 7,8,10 and Mac Screenshots
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How to Install Photo Grid:Photo Collage Maker for PC
- Photo Grid:Photo Collage Maker for PC BlueStacks:
The reason why we chose Bluestacks as our most recommended top Android Emulator, because of its user-friendly interface and it operates with as minimum bugs and performance issues as possible. Furthermore, the support provided by the officials are much better than any other emulator available, but let downs are still there.
Follow the instruction for the Bluestacks Method, right after this break.
1. Open BlueStacks
2. Tap the Search button.
3. Enter the Photo Grid:Photo Collage Maker for PC-Windows 7,8,10 and Mac in it.
4. Choose the Market from where you want to Install it, Choose Play Store.
5. If asked for ID, put it.
6. Let the Downloading and Installation to complete.
7. Open the Game or App from Main Menu and Enjoy.
8. Or just download the Apk file of any app and double click to Install it on Bluestacks.
9. Open from Main Menu and Enjoy.
Photo Grid:Photo Collage Maker for PC-Windows 7,8,10 and Mac Vwd:

What's New in Photo Grid:Photo Collage Maker for PC-Windows 7,8,10 and Mac Vwd
- 1. Optimized two-finger rotation gesture
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08 / 12 / 2016 - NattaWorks
PhotoGrid is a simple image viewer that shows a lot of images at a time. TreeView which is like Finder's list view lets you select the folders and files you want to view. GridView lists all the image files as thumbnails in a grid structure. You can resize the thumbnails at anytime so you can view the images with various scales. PhotoGrid works like an image database but you don't have to register image files in order to organize the database. Ordinary folders themselves are the database. Caching into full given memory and a swap file makes. PhoroGrid show images virtually with no delay. PhotoGrid works well if given 6 MB of memory. Slide show.
OS | Mac OS X |
Language | English |
License & Price | Purchase |
Developer | NattaWorks |
Official website | |
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