Password Zipper Lite For Mac

Have you encountered such a situation where you were asked for passwords to extract a zip file downloaded from internet, or you forgot the passwords for your encrypted zip file? Looking for an effective way to open a password-protected zip file without knowing the password? Now you are in the right place.
In this article we show how to zip a file on your Mac, how to unpack (or 'unzip') it, and how to password-protect the resultant zip or archive file so that only the intended recipient can view it. John the Ripper password cracker John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, macOS, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Historically, its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords.
We will work you through how to use iSumsoft ZIP Password Refixer to recover the unknown password of encrypted ZIP archive file. And we will show you how to use NSIS to remove ZIP password.
2 Methods to Open a Password-Protected Zip File without Password
Method 1: Recovering password via ZIP password recovery tool
iSumsoft ZIP Password Refixer is powerful ZIP password software that helps recover unknown password from encrypted ZIP archive file in the short possible time. Then you can open your password-protected ZIP file with the recovered password. Download and install ZIP Password Refixer. Launch the app once it's installed.
Step 1: Import a password protected zip file.
Click Open button to select the password-protected zip file and add it into this program.
Step 2: Select a proper password attack type and define settings.
Something helps you to choose an appropriate attack type:
Brute-force attack type: It will try all possible combinations in a specified Range. The Range can be specified from the tab below. This is quite helpful when you have a basic idea of what characters your password consists of.
For example, if you know that your password consists of all small Latin letters and numeric digits, then you can select just those 2 and deselect the other characters. This will significantly improve the decryption time as the software only has to scan limited characters.
The next tab is Length. This lets you set the minimum and maximum character length of your password. So, if you know that your password ranges from somewhere between 4-6 characters, then you can set the length accordingly. If you don't set a range, then the software will first start searching for a password within 1-3 characters first. So, the length feature can again save you quite some time.
Learn more about how to recover password with Mask and Dictionary attack.
Step 3: Once all these parameters are set, Click on Start.
This will start the decryption process. The recovery time will depend majorly on how large the password is and also on how powerful your Graphics Card is. Having a good GPU will hugely decrease the recovery time. So, make sure to set your Range and Length parameters properly before starting the scan as this will help you a lot. Once the recovery is finished, you will get a popup screen where you can view your password.
Step 4: Open password-protected zip file with the password.
Then you can easily open your password-protected zip file with the password. To do:
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1. Double-click the ZIP files you want to unzip.
2. Enter the password for your ZIP files when the password window appears. And click on OK to go on.
3. Choose Extract All Files from the folder sidebar. Choose a location for your files and click Next, then click Finish.
Tips: In order that you can open the password-protected zip file without entering password, you are recommended to first extract the zip and then compress to a new zip by not setting password. So the zip file is not protected and you can directly open it without password.
Method 2: Remove password from an encrypted file with NSIS
NSIS is magic software that can convert a password-protected ZIP file into an exe file. Install the .exe file so that it can turn into your ZIP file and you can open it without password.
Step 1: Download NSIS and install it on your computer. Then run it.
Step 2: Click the Installer based on ZIP file.
Step 3: Click the Open button. Navigate to the path to your password-protected ZIP file and add it to NSIS software.
Step 4: Click the Browse button and select one path to locate the EXE file it will generate. And then click the Generate button.
Step 5: When the generation is complete, close the dialog and you can see an EXE file just like the one below.
Step 6: Double-click the EXE file to install it. When the installation is complete, it extracts your password-protected ZIP file. And you can open it without password.
Related Articles
- How to Find Zip Password to Decrypt an Encrypted ZIP File
- How to Open ZIP Files on iPhone
- Unzip a Password Protected ZIP Archive File
- Remove ZIP Password If Forgot ZIP Password
- How to Recover Forgotten Rar File Password
- How to Unlock Encrypted RAR Files without Password
As featured in:
The Unarchiver, unRarX or RAR Expander.
WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well.
- WinRAR supports all popular compression formats (RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip).
- WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries particularly well.
- WinRAR allows you to split archives into separate volumes easily, making it possible to save them on several disks for example.
- WinRAR is also ideal, if you are sending data through the web. Its 128 bit password encryption and its authenticated signature technology will give you the peace of mind you have been looking for.
- WinRAR is shareware, meaning you have the chance to thoroughly test it. The program can be used absolutely free of charge for 40 days!
- WinRAR licenses are valid for all available language and platform versions. If you have purchased several licenses, you can even mix versions to meet your own personal needs.
- WinRAR gives you all future UPDATES for FREE!
What's New:
- Added download link for Beta version 5.9.1
- 'Preserve source files last access time' option on 'Time' page of archiving dialog permits to preserve the original last access time of archiving files.
- Command line -tsp switch can be used to preserve the original last access time of archiving files. It can be combined with other -ts switches, like: rar a -tsc -tsp arcname files
- It is allowed to combine several modifiers in the same -ts switch. For example, we can use -tscap instead -tsc -tsa -tsp.
- WinRAR can read default values of command line switches from rar.ini text file, which can be stored either in the same folder as WinRAR.exe or in %APPDATA%WinRAR folder. This file includes strings in following format: switches= switches_ = First applies switches to all and second to individual commands. For example: switches=-m5 -s switches_x=-o+ Most of switches specified in rar.ini are used only in the command line mode. Some switches can be applicable both in shell and in command line modes. Previously this rar.ini format was supported only by console RAR.
- Command line -agf
switch specifies the default format string for -ag switch. It has a practical value only if placed to rar.ini configuration file or to RAR environment variable. For example, if we set RAR environment variable to -agfYYYY-MMM-DD, we can use -ag without a parameter with YYYY-MMM-DD format string assumed. - Switches -ed and -e+d can be used in archive processing commands for any combination of RAR and archive operating systems. In older versions RAR for Windows could not use them for Unix RAR archives also as RAR for Unix for Windows RAR archives.
- Previously 'Test' command failed to check integrity of archived NTFS alternate data streams and issued 'Unknown data header format' warning if size of such stream exceeded 16 MB. This limitation is removed now.
- Archiving speed for large NTFS alternate data streams on multi-core CPUs is increased.
- 'Find' command:
- when extracting encrypted files directly from 'Search results' dialog, password prompt was issued for every found file even if all files belonged to same archive. Now password is requested only once per archive
- Ctrl+A hotkey selects all files in 'Search results'.
- Archive comment window:
- previous versions did not allow to use Ctrl+W shortcut to close WinRAR when comment window had keyboard focus. Now Ctrl+W works also from comment window
- mouse wheel is supported also for comments with ANSI Escape sequences
- for some lenghty comments with ANSI Escape sequences last line of comment was visible only partially even after scrolling up to bottom. It is displayed comletely now.
- Maximum path length for files in 7z archives is increased up to 2048 characters. While such lengthy paths were already supported for RAR and ZIP formats, previous versions limited the path length to 260 characters for 7z archives.
- If archive or file name is too lengthy to fit to archiving or extraction progress window, it is truncated. Previously such names were truncated at the end, making the file extension invisible. This version truncates them removing the path component and symbols in the middle, but preserving beginning of file name and file extension.
- If files selected for archiving differ only by extension, a proposed archive name is based on their name part. For example, archiving dialog will propose Readme.rar if we selected Readme.txt and Readme.doc. Previous versions always generated the archive name based on parent folder name for several selected files.
- 'Symlink' and 'Hardlink' is diplayed in 'Type' column for symlink and hardlink records in .tar archives. Previous versions displayed a proper type for such records only in .rar archives.
- Copying and pasting files from large archives could fail if extraction took a lot of time. This version can paste files from such archives as well, but we have to start extraction already on 'Copy' command and not on 'Paste' to achieve this.
- Similarly to RAR5 volumes, recovery volumes in RAR4 format use the same width of volume number field as corresponding RAR volumes. While previously WinRAR could create arc.part01.rar and arc.part1.rev in RAR4 format, now both types of volumes will use 'part01'.
- 'Set font..' button in 'Settings/File list' also changes the folder tree panel font. Previously it changed only the file list font.
- 'Find files' and command line mode 'i' commands:
- if 'Use all tables' option or 't' modifer of 'i' command are used, additionally to already supported ANSI, OEM and UTF-16 encodings WinRAR will search the specified string in UTF-8 files as well
- better support for Unicode text strings
- better performance, especially for case insensitive search
- hexadecimal search output includes both text and hexadecimal representation of found matches.
- File and total progress bar is displayed when unpacking tar.bz2, tar.gz, tar.lz, tar.xz, tar.z archives. Previously only the total progress was displayed properly for tar.bz2, tar.gz and tar.z. Neither file nor total progress was displayed for tar.lz and tar.xz.
- 'File list/Files/Exact sizes' option also changes the file size format in WinRAR status bar.
Bugs fixed:
- if non-existent path is specified in archive name in archiving dialog, WinRAR proposes to create such path. Previous versions could create such path in WinRAR start-up folder instead of currently displayed folder
- WinRAR could crash when adding the recovery record in RAR5 format on CPUs not supporting CPUID EAX=7 command and returning random data in response. These are some CPUs from early 2000s
- WinRAR failed to create archives after dragging files with right mouse button in Windows shell, dropping them to another folder, selecting 'Add to archive..' in context menu and enabling 'Put each file to separate archive' option
- 'winrar r *.zip' command repaired only the first ZIP archive in the set if all archives had numeric names like, and signatures in the beginning of archives were missing
- previous WinRAR version failed to unpack folder records in archives created by RAR 1.50
- in rare cases WinRAR failed to extract and reported an error for valid .gz archives produced by some compression optimization tools
- progress bar in tray icon never reached 100% in high DPI mode
- creation and last access time was not displayed for archived folders if folder records were stored in archive after folder contents
- 'Skip encrypted archives' option in 'Convert archives' command did not work for 7-Zip archives with headers encryption.
What's New in 5.9.1 Beta:
- RAR compression speed is improved for CPUs with 16 and more cores
- 'Fastest' method (-m1 command line equivalent) typically achieves a higher compression ratio for highly compressible data types when creating RAR5 archives.
- Maximum number of utilized threads is increased from 32 to 64. Command line -mt
switch accepts values from 1 to 64. - 'Multithreading' parameter on 'General' page of WinRAR settings is replaced with 'Threads' input field, where you can specify the desired number of CPU threads. It can take values from 1 to maximum number of available logical CPU units.
- WinRAR displays packed and unpacked folder sizes when browsing archive contents.
- 'Total folders' field is added to list of archive parameters displayed by WinRAR 'Info' command. Same field is added to 'Archive' page in archive properties in Windows Explorer.
- Window including a progress bar and 'Cancel' button is displayed if reading archive contents takes noticeable time. It can be useful for archive formats with slower access to contents, such as large TAR based archives like .tar.gz and tar.bz2.
- Archiving and extraction progress windows, also as progress windows for some other commands, can be resized.
- 'Repair' performance for RAR5 archives with recovery record and without data shifts is improved. It deteriorated in WinRAR 5.80 and is now restored to original level.
- Password prompt is not issued when performing recovery record based repair for RAR5 archives with encrypted file names. This command can be performed without providing a password.
- If folder for converted archives in 'Convert archives' command does not exist, WinRAR attempts to create it. Previous versions failed to create converted archives in non-existent destination folder.
Bugs fixed:
- 'Repair' command could erroneously display 'Recovery record is corrupt' message when processing an archive with valid recovery record. This message did not prevent further repair operation
- if quick open information option was set to 'Do not add' in default compression profile and this profile was loaded by some command or dialog, WinRAR ignored quick open information when browsing contents of RAR archives. For example, it happened after opening archiving or password dialogs
- Ctrl+C 'Copy' shortcut key did not work in archive comment window
- if 'Put each file to separate archive' and 'Archives in subfolders' options were set, WinRAR ignored the destination path specified in archive name field.
Previous versions:
Software similar to WinRAR for Mac 11
- 63 votesThe Unarchiver is a much more capable replacement for 'Archive', the built-in archive extraction program on macOS.
- Freeware
- macOS
- 400 votesRarlab's RAR for Android can create RAR and ZIP and unpack RAR, ZIP, TAR, GZ, BZ2, XZ, 7z, ISO, ARJ archives.
- Freeware
- Android
- 143 votesAllows you to manage and control archive files. The archive is usually a regular file, which name has a '.rar' suffix.
- Free to Try
- macOS