C4d Mac Cinema 4d R19 For Mac

Maxon bumps its 3D modeling application Cinema 4D up a notch to R19, a new upgrade scheduled to ship in September.
Marquee features in this version include advanced performance in the viewport, which now supports screen-space reflections and OpenGL depth-of-field and allows direct output of client previews as MP4 video files. The motion graphics workflow has likewise been improved, with an array of new Voronoi Fracturing options and a new Sound Effector for creating animations that can react to different frequencies in a given sound file. And a spherical camera lets artists render 360 videos and dome projections in a variety of formats including lat-long equirectangular, cubic string, cubic cross, and 3×2 cubic.
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Polygon Reduction now works as a generator, allowing artists to easily reduce hierarchies, with quick adjustments to such parameters as % reduction strength or desired vertex count. And C4D now supports ProRender, a GPU-based OpenCL render engine that works on both Nvidia (Windows) and AMD cards (Windows/Mac OS).
Also new this time around are what Maxon calls “modernization efforts.” The software’s media core has been rewritten for increased speed and memory efficiency as well as native support for MP4 video sans QuickTime that allows video to be incorporated as textures, or footage to be motion-tracked. At the same time, the company said OpenEXR and DDS export has been improved. Also, a new modeling core improves support for edges and N-gons when using Align and Reverse Normals. The benefits will become more obvious as more tools and generators start using the improved core in future versions, Maxon said.
The UV editing toolset is also under construction, with R19 including more options for converting point and polygon selections and growing and shrinking UV point selects.
“For more than two decades MAXON has been dedicated to delivering 3D graphics solutions with rock-solid stability, outstanding ease-of-use, a fast workflow, and cross platform capability,“ said Maxon Computer Managing Partner Harald Egel in a prepared statement. “Cinema 4D Release 19 expands on those core values with outstanding new features and a first look at foundations for the future.”
For a more exhaustive rundown of the features coming in C4D R19, visit Maxon’s complete feature list. A set of videos are available through Maxon’s Cineversity.
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C4D R19 is expected to ship in September. Customers who buy the software between now and September 1 get a free upgrade to the upcoming release.
Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio R20.059
CINEMA 4D Studio is the very best that MAXON has to offer for professional 3D artists. If you want to create advanced 3D graphics but need a helping hand to ensure you create jaw-dropping graphics quickly and easily, then this is the choice for you.
As well as containing all of the features found in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize and Broadcast, CINEMA 4D Studio adds advanced character tools, hair, a physics engine and an unlimited client network for rendering. The result is that CINEMA 4D Studio can tackle any project you throw at it with ease.
CINEMA 4D Studio's character tools make it easy to create character rigs and advanced character animations. Adding hair or fur to characters is fast and simple with a powerful suite of hair tools that let you grow, comb, style and animate. The physics engine makes it simple to perform complex collisions and interaction between objects, be it just a few or thousands. Network rendering allows you to take advantage of all computers on your network to help render your animations faster.
Despite being designed for advanced 3D, the extra tools found in CINEMA 4D Studio are still designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Generating advanced 3D effects such as hair is surprisingly easy and fast, with CINEMA 4D doing much of the work for you. For example, hair will automatically swoosh and sway as you move your character around; and making thousands of objects collide with each other only takes a few mouse clicks to set up.
CINEMA 4D Studio lets you unleash your creativity and enjoy 3D without limits.
- Title: Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio R20.059
- Developer: MAXON Computer GmbH
- Compatibility: OS X 10.9.5 or later, 64-bit processor
- Language: Multilangual
- Includes: Serial
- Size: 733.44 MB
- visit official website